Were you Injured in a Truck Accident?

Large trucks, semi-trailers, and tractor-trailers are one of the leading causes of traffic-related deaths. They are dangerous. They are many times larger than typical passenger vehicles and often weigh up to twenty to thirty times more than passenger vehicles. They are slower to maneuver and require much more room to maneuver. Due to their sheer size and weight, large trucks pose significant risks to passenger vehicles. They often crush passenger vehicles when they are involved in a collision. As a result, when a large truck collides with a passenger vehicle, the occupants are often killed or sustain serious injuries, including brain damage; spinal cord injuries; concussions; back and neck injuries; among others. As such, the costs of treating truck accident victims are often astronomical, especially when the victims are unable to return to work through no fault of their own. Because truck accident injuries are often catastrophic, truck accident victims should be represented by a skilled truck accident lawyer who will fight for their rights.

If you have been injured in a truck accident, contact a Utah truck accident lawyer immediately to protect your rights. Time matters. Trucking companies know you are in a vulnerable position and often seek to take advantage of that fact. They often send representatives to the scene to obtain information in an effort to reduce the value of your claim.

They may attempt to interview you to secure admissions helpful to their case and they may persuade you to accept a quick, lowball settlement offer before you are able to retain an attorney. An experienced Utah truck accident attorney will protect you against these tactics, among many others, and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Herbert & Greenwald Law Group is an experienced law firm committed to helping Utah truck accident victims. If you have been injured in a truck accident, we can help. We fight to recover as much money as possible for our Utah truck accident clients. We succeed because we have significant experience litigating against insurance companies and trucking firms. And we know the lengths they will go to defend claims. If you retain us, we will approach your case with a single-minded focus on recovering as much money as possible for you and your family. That is the commitment we make to our clients.



If you have sustained injuries in a truck accident in Salt Lake City or any other Utah location, you need
to retain a Utah truck accident lawyer. You are entitled to compensation. Herbert & Greenwald Law Group will help you recover it, including compensation for your past medical bills; future medical bills; past pain and suffering;
future pain and suffering; past lost wages; future lost wages; and property damage.

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