Utah Dog Bite Law Firm

Thousands of people are viciously attacked by dogs every year. Many of the victims are children who are often severely traumatized. Dog bite victims are often bitten by dogs that are familiar to them, including dogs belonging to friends, family, and neighbors. These dogs often attack when they are surprised or frightened. The resulting injuries can be catastrophic, resulting in lacerations; scarring; degloving; and other traumatic injuries requiring extensive and expensive medical treatment. As such, dog bite victims are generally required to seek treatment at an emergency room to prevent dangerous infections. They also are often required to seek reconstructive and plastic surgeries to repair deep lacerations and permanent scarring to the face, arms, and legs.

Utah has enacted a dog bite statute (like most other states) addressing liability for dog bites. Under Utah Code Section 18-1-1, a dog owner is strictly liable for injuries resulting from his or her dog biting another person. This means that a dog owner is liable for dog bite injuries irrespective of whether the dog has ever bitten anyone before or whether its owners knows that the dog has vicious tendencies. In short, under Utah’s dog bite statute, dog owners are strictly liable for all damages resulting from a dog bite. Because dog bites often result in serious and permanent injuries, dog bite victims should be represented by a skilled dog bite lawyer who will fight for their rights.

If you have been injured in a dog bite, contact a Utah dog bite lawyer immediately to protect your rights. Time matters. Insurance companies know you are in a vulnerable position and often seek to take advantage of that fact. They may attempt to interview you to secure admissions helpful to their case or they may persuade you to accept a quick, lowball settlement offer before you are able to retain an attorney. An experienced Utah personal injury attorney will protect you against these insurance company tactics, among many others, and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Herbert & Greenwald Law Group is an experienced law firm committed to helping Utah dog bite victims. If you have been injured from a dog bite, we can help. We fight to recover as much money as possible for our Utah dog bite clients. We succeed because we have significant experience litigating against homeowners’ insurance companies and because we have settled serious dog bite cases. We know the lengths insurance companies will go to defend claims. If you retain us, we will approach your case with a single-minded focus on recovering as much money as possible for you and your family. That is the commitment we make to our clients.



If you have sustained injuries from a dog bite in Salt Lake City or any other Utah location, you need to retain a Utah dog bite lawyer. You are entitled to compensation. Herbert & Greenwald Law Group will help you recover it, including compensation for your past medical bills; future medical bills; past pain and suffering; future pain and suffering; emotional distress; loss of enjoyment of life; disfigurement; humiliation; past lost wages; and future lost wages.

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